Chehroudi, B., 2015. Applications of Graphene in Fuel/Propellant Combustion, CRC Handbook of Graphene Science, Taylor & Francis.
- Chehroudi, B., 2013. On-Demand Activation of Autoignition in HCCI Engines Using Distributed Ignition of Carbon Nanotubes, Powertrain International, Winter/Spring Issue, Vol 16, no.1.
- Chehroudi, B., 2012. Activation and Control of Autoignition in HCCI Engines Using Volumetrically-Distributed Ignition of As-Produced Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes, Fuel & Lubrication Meeting, Society of Automotive Engineers, Malmo, Sweden, SAE Paper 2012-01-1691.
- Chehroudi, B., 2012. Minimum Ignition Energy of the Light-Activated Ignition of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNTs), Combustion and Flame, 159, pp. 753-756.
- Chehroudi, B., 2011. Forget Spark Plug, Run Your Engines With Carbon Nanotubes, Volkswagen R&D, Puebla, Mexico, October 13, (Invited Speaker).
- Chehroudi, B., 2011. Minimum Ignition Energy of the Light-Activated Volumetrically-Distributed Ignition Using Nanostructured Materials, Combustion and Flame.
- Chehroudi, B., 2011. Nanotechnology and Applied Combustion: Use of Nanostructured Materials for Light-Activated Distributed Ignition of Fuels with Propulsion Applications, Recent Patents on Space Technology, Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 107-122 (16).
- Chehroudi, B., 2011. Nanotechnology, Applications, and Undergraduate Engineering and Technology Education, University of Lugano, Lugano, Switzerland, July 11, (Invited Speaker).
- Chehroudi, B., 2011, Technology Development for Distributed Ignition and Combustion Enhancement of Fuels Using Nanostructured Materials, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Company, Hartford, CT, April 8, (Invited Speaker).
- Chehroudi, B, 2011, Technology Development for Distributed Ignition of Fuels Using Nanostructured Materials, Pratt and Whitney, East Hartford, CT, April 8.
- Chehroudi, B. 2010, Distributed Ignition Using SWCNTs with Applications in Aerospace and Future Environmentally-Clean Automotive Engines, Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineeing, North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, June 28.
- Chehroudi, B., 2006.Supercritical Fluids: Nanotechnology and Select Emerging Applications, Invited Review Paper, published in a special volume of the Combustion Science and Technologydedicated to supercritical fluid phenomena, Vol. 178, No. 1-3, January 2006, pp. 555-621(67).
- Chehroudi, B., 2005.Coverage of nanotube ignition work by the New Scientist Magazine entitled, “Forget Spark Plugs, Start Your Engine with Nanotube”, Nov 19, 2005 issue.
- Chehroudi, B., and Danczyk, S. A., 2005. An Innovative Ignition Method using SWCNTs and a Camera Flash, 2005 Nano Science and Technology Institute (NSTI), Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Anaheim, California, May 8-12.
- Chehroudi, et al., 2004. Method for Distributed Ignition of Fuels by Light Sources using Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNTs), App. Serial No. 10/888,240, July 9.
- Chehroudi, B. 2003. Nanotechnology and Its Interface with Automotive Industry, Powertrain International, Vol.6, No. 4., pp. 5-8.
- Chehroudi, B., 2003. Nanotechnology: Big Markets, Small Spaces, Invited Speaker, University of California at San Diego Connect Program, Converging Technologies, September 16.
- Chehroudi, B., 2003. A recurring one-day seminar entitled "An Introduction to Nanotechnology: Present Status and Future Outlook”is approved by the University of California to be offered to engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs, and managers who are planning penetration into the nanotechnology. November.
- Chehroudi, B., 2003, Supercritical Fluids and Nanotechnology: Opportunities for Multidisciplinary Collaborative Research, Energy Research Center, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of California, San Diego, August 3.
- Chehroudi, B., 2003. Supercritical and Nanotechnology: Opportunities for Multidisciplinary research. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, March 10.
- Chehroudi et al., 2002. Invited panel discussion member, Nanotechnology: Current State and Future Outlook, Global Nano Conference, NASA Ames, Moffett Field, October 17-18. (Moderator: Steve Jurvetson of Draper Fisher Jurvetson venture capital firm)