Information on Michigan  (Troy, Dteroit area):

Information on Detroit, Troy and other neighboring (close) cities and attractions:


  1. City of Troy official website:
  2. Area map (Troy):,+Troy,+Oakland,+Michigan+48084,+United+States&gl=uk&ei=rPO-S-X4Jor-0gTm_5SiCQ&ved=0CAoQ8gEwAA&ll=42.605663,-83.150024&spn=0.088444,0.164795&z=12&iwloc=A&source=embed
  3. Somerset mall in Troy (unique in design & collection):
  4. The beautiful Cranbrook campus (must see):
  5. Cranbrook House & Garden:
  6. Royal Oaks (a beautiful nearby city, exclusive bars and restaurants and entertainments, 15 minutes drive):
  7. Beautiful Ann Arbor city :; City of Ann Arbor:
  8. Henry Ford Museum (impressive & unique):
  9. Oakland county info:
  10. Visit Detroit:
  11. Restaurants in Greektown (Detroit):
  12. Greektown Casinos:
  13. More information on neighboring cities and attractions:,+MI
  14. Michigan Attractions: